• 14 мая 2018, понедельник
  • Москва, ул. Малая Ордынка, 17, ауд.106

Conference "Russia, the EU and the US in search of the Golden ratio"

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Клуб Международной Аналитики НИУ ВШЭ
2176 дней назад
14 мая 2018 c 10:00 до 15:00
ул. Малая Ордынка, 17, ауд.106

The international student conference «RUSSIA, THE EU AND THE US IN SEARCH OF THE GOLDEN RATIO» will be held on 14th of May 2018 in HSE, Moscow. Experts in world economy and world politics, prominent entrepreneurs and businessmen, as well as students and those interested in global affairs, will join the largest platform for discussion to generate new ideas on cooperation and building mutual understanding between Russia, the EU and the US.

Dear friends and colleagues! We are happy to present you our second annual conference!

The international student conference «RUSSIA, THE EU AND THE US IN SEARCH OF THE GOLDEN RATIO» will be held on 14th of May 2018 in HSE, Moscow. Experts in world economy and world politics, prominent entrepreneurs and businessmen, as well as students and those interested in global affairs, will join the largest platform for discussion to generate new ideas on cooperation and building mutual understanding between Russia, the EU and the US. 

What is it about? 
In the context of nowadays confrontation between Russia and the EU it is necessary to create a new platform for mutual dialogue and understanding through the European continent, where ways of cooperation would be found. In this regard, it is important to observe relations not only between Russia and the EU, but also the US as an influential actor. In search of the Golden Ratio positions of three sides should be considered and aimed at improving relations in the future.

What would be there? 
- the opening panel with experts’ discussion — "Russia, the EU and the US: is Golden Ratio Possible in the European continent"
- 3 sections of Students’ Projects: 

Politics — "Russia, the EU and the US: solving political contradictions to build modern world order" 

Economics — "Russia, the US and the EU on world energy market. Role of legislation in defending interests of consumers and business" 

Social sphere — "Russia, the EU and the US: domestic policy change and elite rotation as factors of cooperation and common social welfare" 
- The final panel of summing up and identifying winners 

Why participate? 
- To present your own projects 
- To get an opportunity to be published in one of the Think Tank of YAGE or "Научные записки молодых исследователей"
- To get a chance to participate in the annual International Youth Forum «Greater Europe Meetings 2018» in Paris, France 

How can I apply? 
-Fill in a form presented below
-Choose the section in which you are going to participate (Politics, Economics, Social sphere) 
-Send your theses on the given email before May 10th (analysts.hse@gmail.com

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us: 
email — analysts.hse@gmail.com 
vk.com — https://vk.com/alexa_framboisa


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